
Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

Watch The Asian Connection 2016 HD

Movie Synopsis :
Two American expatriates, Jack and Sam, unwittingly steal a drug lord's money when they rob a series of banks in Southeast Asia and become the target of the gang's vengeance.

About Movies :
Even by diminished B-movie standards and the name Steven Seagal above the title  “Asian Connection,” about a pair of American bank robbers who set up shop in Southeast Asia, is a dumb, boring dud.

Though the promotional material might suggest otherwise, the big guy isn’t among the perpetrators.

Those would be the lesser-known John Edward Lee and Byron Gibson, who run into a bit of trouble when they knock off a bank belonging to a ruthless  as opposed to, say, happy-go-lucky  drug lord, played by Seagal.

After an unplanned turn of events puts his partner out of the picture, Lee’s Jack teams with his pretty girlfriend, Avalon (Pim Bubear), who also occasionally pitches in as the narrator. But those anticipating "Bonnie and Clyde"-style fireworks will be out of luck.

Details :

  • Runtime : 90 min
  • Rating   : Rated R for violence, language throughout and brief sexuality/nudity
  • Production : Parkside Pictures
  • Genre : Action
  • Country : Thailand

Tags :

  • Watch The Asian Connection 2016 
  • Watch The Asian Connection 2016 Online 
  • Watch The Asian Connection 2016 Streaming 
  • Watch The Asian Connection 2016 HD 
  • Watch Online The Asian Connection 2016 

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